12 Wonderful Gift Ideas for Aging Parents
November 2, 2020
For the parents who have everything, the gift-giving season can be a difficult time of year. What can you possibly give them that will put a smile on their face and a twinkle in their eye? For inspiration, consider our suggestions below. There are gift ideas from the practical to the sublime. From stocking fillers to gifts delivered to their door, you’re sure to find something for that special someone on your list.
1. Pix-Star Digital Picture Frame
This top-rated digital frame makes it easy to send photos directly to your parents — the photos will appear right in the frame. Your parents won’t have to mess with fussy downloads or transferring photos from one device to another. It can all be done remotely. It’s the photo frame that keeps on giving.
2. Photo Album
Create a photo book of special moments in your family’s life. When you’re happy with it, you can have it printed in an actual album. It beats scrolling through the photos on your phone. Walmart and Shutterfly can get you started.
3. Photo Puzzle
Use family photos to create a fun puzzle your parents can piece together again and again. It’s a great way to relive family vacations, weddings or a Kodak moment. Walmart, Shutterfly, and Portrait Puzzles all offer custom photo puzzles.
4. Custom House Portrait
Turn their home into art. All you have to do is upload a photo of their home and they’ll get a customized line drawing. You can even have it framed. Use their current home or perhaps a former home that holds a special place in their hearts. Learn more here.
5. Amazon Echo 5
This smaller, more affordable Echo is great for video calls with friends and family. It’s about the size of an alarm clock but does more than tell time. Your parents can watch videos, play games, listen to music, check the weather, and more. The new privacy feature allows you to turn the camera and microphone off when not in use.
6. Tile Key and Phone Finder
If your parents occasionally lose their keys (and who doesn’t?), these tiles make it easy to find them. You can attach them to your keys, phone, tote bag, or anything that tends to disappear when you most need it.
7. PhoneSoap Smartphone Sanitizer
This is a gift that couldn’t come at a better time. It uses UV light to get rid of over 99 percent of all bacteria on your phone. (Did you know that your phone is 18 times dirtier than a public toilet?) It’ll clean just about any size phone and you can even clean keys, credit cards and other items.
8. iRoller Screen Cleaner
Remove fingerprints, smudges and smears on your phone and tablet. This popular iRoller is reusable (liquid-free) and makes a great stocking stuffer. Learn more about it here.
9. Automatic Jar Opener
It’s no fun trying to unscrew the top on an unopened jar when your joints hurt. Your parents can forget about running bulky jars under hot water. This jar opener makes it easy and can tackle any size jar. So bring on the jam jars, the molasses and that economy size jar of pickles.
10. Ancestry DNA “At Home” Kit
Delve deeper into your family’s roots. With the new ethnicity algorithms, Ancestry can tell you where in the world your ancestors came from and who might be on your family tree. Taking a DNA sample at home is as easy as sending in a saliva swab.
11. Wine Delivered to Their Door
Sign your parents up for a wine club subscription and they’ll be toasting your excellent taste in the New Year. Wines are tailored to individual preferences. Learn more at winc.com.
12. Learn from the Experts
Your parents can learn from the best with an online MasterClass. There are over 85 different classes taught by experts, including Gordon Ramsay on cooking, Steve Martin on comedy, and Margaret Atwood on writing.
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